3 Tips to Apply Lipstick perfectly-Makeup Hack


Every beauty-conscious woman must be aware of the lipstick shade to be used, which should be proportionate to her face shape, lip curves, complexion, and clothing. Furthermore, age and hair color must be considered. Carelessness can detract from one’s appearance. Lipstick is thought to be a morale booster, and it essentially helps her gain self-esteem and confidence.

#1 How do you put on lipstick?

Lipstick is used to enhance the appearance of the lips, but when applied improperly, it appears unappealing. Cleanse your lips with a cotton wool swab dipped in cleansing milk before applying lipstick. Lipstick has no luster if the lips are not clean. Because the skin on your lips is soft, avoid using soap. Apply foundation cream, allow it to dry, and then apply lipstick by first drawing an outline and then filling it in.

#2 Lipstick can be applied with a brush

Lipstick can be applied with a brush, but it takes practice and skill. If your lipstick runs, apply powder to your lips, wait for it to dry, and then apply lipstick. It is often inconvenient to apply while standing because hands may shake and spread it. As a result, it is more comfortable to use a dressing table and rest your elbows on it. Apply lipstick to the upper lip first, then the lower lip. Use a lighter tinge first, followed by a darker tinge to create a glow. After applying a light tint, place a tissue paper between your lips and wipe away any excess lipstick with the tissue paper. Then apply a dark color. Using a brush, blend the two colors together. After applying lipstick, use vaseline or cream to add luster to the lips.

Lipstick can alter the appearance of lips, making broad lips appear thin and vice versa and the shape of lips can also be altered to some extent. If you have a small face, apply a light shade to the lower lip and a darker tinge to the upper lip. If your lips are thin, use a light shade on the upper lip and a dark shade on the lower lip. Reduce the out­line significantly for broad lips. On the contrary, to make thin lips appear wider, increase the outline. – Uneven lips can be shaped to fit your face by drawing an outline around them. Apply two coats for thickness. Take it off before going to bed. It is best to use a high-quality product; inferior products can harm the skin.

#3 How to chose Lipstick colour?

Color should be chosen based on your age, the occasion, and the clothes you are wearing. The girls look best in natural tones. Working women should avoid wearing bright colors to work. Pink should be used by young women between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five who have fair skin. Women in this age group with dark complexions can wear orange. Women between the ages of twenty-five and forty should opt for a lighter shade. Consider the color of your eyes as well: pink is recommended for brown-eyed women, light crimson for black eyes, scarlet and subdued brown for blue eyes, and orange for greyish eyes.
Consider the color of your hair as well; for black and tressed hair, an orange shade will work well, for grey hair, a pink shade, and for golden brown, a scarlet shade. When it comes to dressing colors, use pink lipstick with an orange sari and crimson with pink clothes. You can’t match your lipstick to every dress you wear, but you should try to match as much as possible.

Lipstick application If you have a small mouth, draw an outer outline with dark lipstick and fill in the rest with light lipstick using a lip liner. Use a light shade of lipstick if you have a big mouth. If your lower lip protrudes, use a dark shade lipstick in the middle of your lips and draw a light outline around it. Retouching a stale lipstick is not a good idea. It is not gleaming. It also does not appear to be even.